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Old 02-13-2007, 10:08 PM
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Originally Posted by AmazingGrace View Post
Prayer Request.....

My mom just called and the Infectious Disease Dr just came by and they found something in her blood... it is not staph but similar to it... and is contagious but only by contact with the blood... Now I dont believe I have any open wounds but I am not sure and this weekend she cut her leg real bad and I had to dr it for her... so pray I didnt get anything but... most of all

Please pray she gets the right antibiotics soon so that she can come home and be back to her normal life again...
Lord, we come against any infection through your name, and your blood!
Let your divine healing virture be released not only in my Sister's Mom, but in her as well!
I release faith in her heart to see what you have for her in Jesus Name!

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Old 02-13-2007, 10:08 PM
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STS, how are you doing?
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Old 02-13-2007, 10:10 PM
Sister Truth Seeker

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Originally Posted by Sweet Pea View Post
I never got into Gabby's on NFCF because I always felt like I was behind on everyone's lives. I'm amazed at how you are all able to share with each other the ups and downs of your lives and "spill your guts" so to speak. I guess that I'm a more private person. But as time goes on, maybe I'll be able to share more of my life and the stage I'm in right now.......

But this thread has touched me in several ways today... Several of you are in the midst of major decisions in your lives regarding where to live - and the possibility of moving -- this is something that my husband and I are facing. As I pray for our situation, I will remember you and that we are not alone in these life-changing decisions right now.

Amazing Grace.... YES! Your children do need both their parents right now. Stability is one thing, but they need to be in a stable FAMILY atmosphere - not with parents separated due to job situations. I applaud you and agree with your decision. May God give you the desires of your heart regarding a place to call home in this next phase of your life! And may He direct you to a church that will meet your spiritual needs and the spiritual needs of your family!

Carey M.... I'm believing God to send a buyer to you for your home. I don't know all the ins and outs of why you feel to move to Chicago, but it seems from your posts that you definitely believe this is God's will - may His peace surround you and your family until this is accomplished.

Rhoni.... my heart breaks with you.... but God is faithful! He will be your tower of strength!

To the rest of you.... Have a blessed evening - and may your sleep be sweet!
I am so glad you have come to join us...yes we care about each other...most of us have never meant in person, but we still feel close...if I could win the lottery....I would have a huge get together so we could all meet...of course I probably won't win sense I don't play!

You can share as much or as little as you choose too...we discuss just plain daily stuff here too...the kids, oh hubby's, anything you want to chat about. It's kind of like a public diary...sadly we lost a lot of our history when NFCF closed...if it ever opens back up I will go over there and archive it...

Love and blessings to you too!!!!
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Old 02-13-2007, 10:15 PM
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Originally Posted by AmazingGrace View Post
ROFL pleaseeeeeee dont say pink!!! There is this horrendous (sp) pink house out there thats for rent.. its a 2 bdrm and I so dont want to go there! its scarey!!! It honestly just looks creepy!!!

Ok what do I wish?

First and foremost!!!!!!!! HEAT!!!! AND AIR!!!!!! not at the same time!!LOL

I would love to have a 4 bdrm that we can afford and would like for it to have a garage for storage so I dont have to keep my storage unit... I would love a picket fence but I havent seen many of those out there... would like for it to not have to be in the city area but more on the outskirts (not being picky but you asked...lol)

Honestly I will take anything...

I am just laughing right now because I dont know that I will find a thing but I told Rob to be ready to go look at our new house by the time he got off work tomorrow night... he goes huh??? You already found it... I said nope not a chance but I will by 6 tomorrow night when you get off work... he said ok I will be at the hotel by 630 and we can go LOL (God I am sure glad that man has so much faith in me cuz I sure dont!!!!LOL) So we will see what happens.

I will have my laptop with me so if for some reason I do find this wonderful Praying for a Ginormous, Wonderful, Awesome, Tearspilling, Custom made blessing I will sure let you all know!!!!

And as for the feeling better part not really but I am just tired of being stuck!!! So I am gonna go find something if I have to drag someone out of their home and inform them I am moving in it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now on the other hand pray for Rob... this man who has been causing him problems had the nerve to come up into his little drillers shack today and get in his face... thank goodness his boss was there too... he looked at rob and said... now cant you make this machine go any faster... Rob ignored him (it was going as fast as it could without killing anyone) and he asked again... meanwhile Robs face was turning blood red and fists were beginning to turn white his boss said... Rob ignored again... so he yelled it one last time... Rob jumped up out of his chair (this automatically stops the entire rig from working at all as its seat sensored now so if he stands up the whole thing lifts 5 ft off the ground) and got in the mans face and said fine you just figure out how to drive this all by yourself and good luck and walked out... The man sat down in the chair and called his boss and asked how... his boss chewed him up one side and down the other and told him if he didnt find Rob and apologize he would have no job!!! ROFL

He literally walked a mile to go across the location without walking by Rob after that... him is skeeered right now and honestly has good reason... LOL

These type actions made 4 people drive in from houston this morning to chew him out and inform him he was on employee probation because of the threats he was throwing at Rob the last week.... And I thought I had drama!! LOL
OH my goodness....OH my...OH my...
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Old 02-13-2007, 10:20 PM
Sister Truth Seeker

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Originally Posted by AmazingGrace View Post
Ok now you are getting very specific... so Yes... what I would love is there is a lake right there in town... goes all around the back side of a big majority of the neighborhoods.. I think its lake Palestine... I would love to have a house where I could see the lake or just with a decent view YES!!!! RON!!!!! You got me excited to go looking!!! Now I gotta pray and thats hard right now... you just dont understand but I gotta find it!!!!

Yep I have my camera on the charger right now just so I can take pics for yall to see!!!!! I am good huh?!

I am honestly excited about tomorrow!!! My mom has been teasing me because she thinks I am just excited about seeing Rob on valentines day but I informed her he only has 12 hrs to spend home tomorrow night and most of that will be spent asleep we are having our valentines next week when he is off work... I am just excited because I am gonna go get me a house and get outta this mess!!!!!!!!
You go girl....
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Old 02-13-2007, 10:27 PM
Sister Truth Seeker

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Originally Posted by Ron View Post
STS, how are you doing?
I am doing very well thank you....I will be headed over to the coast tomorrow...have a really great weekend planned...

My daughter and son-in-law will arrive on Thursday, we are going to a one day marriage retreat right down the road....Friday night dinner....

They will probably go back home on Saturday and The Mrs and Mr will be coming over on Saturday for the rest of the weekend...On Sunday will will watch the Daytona 500 big day for my hunny!!!

I will return home on Monday as they are suppose to be sending over help and they will want to stay at the apartment...

So I am excited to be spending time with my sweetie, my daughter and her hubby and my dear friend The Mrs and her hubby....did I say a great weekend ahead...oh yeah and my hubby is taking Friday off from work....
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Old 02-13-2007, 10:35 PM
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Originally Posted by Sister Truth Seeker View Post
I am doing very well thank you....I will be headed over to the coast tomorrow...have a really great weekend planned...

My daughter and son-in-law will arrive on Thursday, we are going to a one day marriage retreat right down the road....Friday night dinner....

They will probably go back home on Saturday and The Mrs and Mr will be coming over on Saturday for the rest of the weekend...On Sunday will will watch the Daytona 500 big day for my hunny!!!

I will return home on Monday as they are suppose to be sending over help and they will want to stay at the apartment...

So I am excited to be spending time with my sweetie, my daughter and her hubby and my dear friend The Mrs and her hubby....did I say a great weekend ahead...oh yeah and my hubby is taking Friday off from work....
Sounds like it is going to be a great weekend!
Is your hubby in Newport?
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Old 02-13-2007, 10:37 PM
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Oh my!

My Wife was tired & fell asleep on the couch. Ryan was asleep in the bedroom.
I am in my office and I heard, "Honey! Honey!" I thought my wife was having a charlie horse or something.

I ran in there and I saw Ryan standing there with his pajama bottoms down to the floor peeing all over the rug! He thought he was in the bathroom!
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Old 02-13-2007, 10:38 PM
Sister Truth Seeker

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Originally Posted by Ron View Post
Lord, we come against any infection through your name, and your blood!
Let your divine healing virture be released not only in my Sister's Mom, but in her as well!
I release faith in her heart to see what you have for her in Jesus Name!

/I pray this with you
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Old 02-13-2007, 10:39 PM
Sister Truth Seeker

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Originally Posted by Ron View Post
Sounds like it is going to be a great weekend!
Is your hubby in Newport?
OH yes...same place....same job...its been almost a year!
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