I do not believe that God has 2 seperate churches...neither do I believe tribulation is just for the jews...for by one blood we are baptized into ONE body...
I rejoice that HIS knowledge is unfolding in a mighty way...People think I have "lost it" sometimes because I believe there will be a great revelation of HIS NAME...and it is coming...
Yesterday, since I just had surgery I went to the church for only about 20 minutes and got up and read the e mail...our church wept, shouted and rejoiced...
I think Israel and the Jews play a great part on the stage of time but I do not believe in two seperate churches...
They helped me walk home and those that walked and helped me, wept and spoke in tongues all the way to my house...got in bed talking in tongues...I tell you my friends we must shake the shackles that bind us in so many ways and interwoven Catholic doctrines in our mind and LET"S have chrurch...
No use in buying up houses and lands...move out and do something for he KINGDOM...who knows it may be some of us God uses in a great way...
OH< I know there are those that don't believe in revival..."they are solid" stuck in their pews and traditions of Pentecostal religion...You better get off that pew for a move of God is coming and now is...
I laugh at traditions...so pious...master peice sermons but not an ounce of the CHANGING power of GOD...if we do anything we might be charismatic...peer pressure...well this old mother in Israel is not afraid to be different from the "crowd"....I believe that my children will live to see the day of the saved celebrating the feast of the tabernacles that the prophet spoke about...someone said, "don't mention that, people will think you are latter rain or this or that...lol..when did the blessed hope of Christ returning to earth make me charismatic?
Rejoice my friends rejoice...God is visiting His people....
Ps 60:4
4 Thou hast given a banner to them that fear thee, that it may be displayed because of the truth. Selah.