The UPCI needs revival. For too many years, we have focused on man made doctrines, made scriptures mean what we wanted, and followed traditions of men. Now we have a multitude of people that have focused on the outward but will not get 2 feet off of the ground when the rapture takes place because their hearts are so corrupt.
I cannot begin to tell you of the garbage that is swept under the rug by many district officials, pastors wives wear ski suits on vacation, pastors wear shorts to the beach on vacation, and many pastors sneak off to watch tv at relatives and friends home. There are tons that in their heart do not believe the message deep down but have the outward appearance in line.
What the UPCI needs is a heart change on the inside and experience revival and throw the politics out!
Praise God! I am finished for now.
Whooo horsey, do you actually believe that Pastors wives don't need to wear apparel that is designed for skiing? Shorts on vacations? I guess you have been AWOL for awhile, nothing wrong with any of that stuff done with a right heart. You can't imagine how ridiculous it looks for OP women to skiiing with jean skirts on.
Please pray for India
My personal mission is to BRING people into a right relationship with God, GROW them up to maturity and SEND them back into the world to minister.
The UPCI needs revival. For too many years, we have focused on man made doctrines, made scriptures mean what we wanted, and followed traditions of men. Now we have a multitude of people that have focused on the outward but will not get 2 feet off of the ground when the rapture takes place because their hearts are so corrupt.
I cannot begin to tell you of the garbage that is swept under the rug by many district officials, pastors wives wear ski suits on vacation, pastors wear shorts to the beach on vacation, and many pastors sneak off to watch tv at relatives and friends home. There are tons that in their heart do not believe the message deep down but have the outward appearance in line.
What the UPCI needs is a heart change on the inside and experience revival and throw the politics out!
Praise God! I am finished for now.
The org needs the favor of God and it doesn't have it. If it did, it would be obvious. But I doubt very sincerely if it doesn't due to a ski suit or a pair of shorts. I'm sure that the Almighty God has FAR more important things to concern Himself with than those...surely He does.
"Those who go after the "Sauls" among us often slay the Davids among us." Gene Edwards