Originally Posted by JOYoftheLord
How I love seeing and reading things like this thread!
Bro Strange, don't you believe the time will soon come again, that this world's hold will lose its grip on folks and they will draw closer once again to God like they did it that era?
For some, I think it's already happening. ![Smile](http://www.apostolicfriendsforum.com/images/smilies/smile.gif)
The hungry shall be filled. They never leave empty.
When men hunger and thirst after the things of God, it is promised that they will be filled.
When men are satisfied and are filled with this present life, having things so comfortable and good, they are no pressed to hunger. Heaven does not appear so bright, the living is easy while the good times roll on. Everyone is fat, sassy and happy, but heaven is not in view. Thus, the church is asleep.
Our feathered nest must have the down pulled out of it, exposing the thorns to our undersides. When things get bad, life is unbearable, heaven will look sweeter. When heaven comes to view, it will come down upon us, filling us with His love and his mighty presence to fill with joy and comfort...all of a heavenly sort not of this world. We become other worldly minded.