Originally Posted by Rhoni
Sis. Truthseeker,
God forgave me and I forgave myself a long time ago...the aftermath is that the effects have a rippling effect and are like the waves of the sea. Time errodes the sands on the shore changing the form of the land mass until it becomes something different.
The something different it is becoming is bringing peace and detachment...healing. It is/has been healing time. It is a process and had to come to this point. I recognize the hand of God in it all.
Love & Blessings, Rhoni
Sis. Rhoni,
Your last sentence is SO important! When we can see that He was
there all the time, leading, guiding, molding, making us into that
vessel useful or meet for the Master's use. Not resisting the Potter's
wheel but yielding to His Hands as He fashions the clay!! I love the
words to a song from a few years ago, "He Didn't Throw The Clay Away"
speaks to me. If we would all be honest, He could have at some point
"thrown the clay (us) away, but He didn't and I so so thankful!!! When
He picks us up we are little more than a "mudball" or "lumb of clay".
Oh, but to just yield to His Nail-scarred Hands as He picks us up and
places us on the wheel to mold and make us into what HE would have
us be!! As I have mentioned before I love the song, sung by Bro. Ewing
that Sis. Joan, his wife, wrote, The chorus says:
Create in me Your Image, O, LORD.
Let me be all You've dreamed I could be.
And when You have finished Your work, LORD, in me,
I pray that Jesus is all they can see!
And when He is finished with His work in us, we will be His Hands
extended, reaching out to the oppressed, the weary, the lonely,
those who don't know the Way, the Truth and The Life (JESUS).
Sis. Rhoni, if that beautiful piece of fine china could speak as it
goes though the process, it would say, "Ouch, that hurts"! and
especially when it is in the oven or kiln for the final firing, no doubt
it would yell, "It's too hot in here", but just wait until He puts that
final finishing touch on us. We shall be be ready and prepared by HIM!
As our mouths open, Living Water shall come forth as we tell of HIS
Love and Mercy and Grace!! How He has fashioned, tested and cleansed
these earthen vessels and filled them with HIMSELF!! Drink from these
waters, drink from these waters, and you'll never thirst again!!!
Blessings, dear Little Sister,