John Arcovio
I would ask that any insults would be kept from this thread. I did converse with John Arcovio from time to time. I remember after he left the UPC, I gave him a message that God have given me to relay to him.
I remember that very night a spirit came to my home. It was a fear/torment spirit that didn't let me sleep. I then knelt down and began to pray. As I prayed, god spoke to me and said that spirit was in my living room.
As scared as I was, I gathered my strength and walked out of my room, in the dark, and walked toward the living room. As I got closer to the living room, I felt that presence. It felt awful and made the fine hairs on my back stand. As I got closer to the living room, my boldness grew stronger and I commanded that spirit to leave.
The spirit then left and I was able to sleep. Since then I haven't heard of John Arcovio anymore. I saw a photo of him yesterday with possibly a girlfriend? I just asked someone about him and I heard he got a divorce.
Does anyone know what happened between he and his wife?
Last edited by BrainWashed; 03-19-2018 at 04:03 PM.