JA... you know what ... I agree with you. ... on one thing.

Technology has not taken us anywhere good.
However, I believe the UPC and every other group that started out preaching against TV, messed up when they began preaching specifically against the TV. TV is not all bad, but it has way more bad than good. What happened was that instead of teaching people the
principle of keeping evil things from before their eyes... the TV itself was made the demon. TV is not the demon, it is just the portal. It is what you allow yourself to see and view, that is where the real demon is... and now we see that TV is nothing compared to the internet... and what will be next? Yes, it is those damnable smartphones. Everyone who has one needs to smash them to smithereens, because they are of the debil! ... right?
People who are filled with the spirit need to be aware of everything they see and hear, because it all affects you, whether it comes from a tv, a smart phone, or a billboard driving down the interstate.
The TV is not the debil.... it is in what our eyes are being attracted to, and paying attention to.... that is where the debil is hitting us... through our eyes and ears with whatever medium he can use.
And I agree... smartphone activity is just sickening. You go into a restaurant, and people aren't even having conversations, their kids are screaming, and both parents are engrossed in their phones. It is just the saddest thing.
Why, even our good friend Jermyn has taken to visiting church services and texting/posting to the forum during the service. What is the world coming to?
I don't know...
Yet I do know one thing... the principle of guarding your ears, ears, and heart needs to be on the forefront of our mindset every minute of the day, because we are in a warfare with an enemy who is using technology to destroy the body of Christ.