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06-25-2012, 05:38 PM
God's Son
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Re: This Week's Encounters with Legalism
I dare you. Lol
Originally Posted by CC1
Rats! I was hoping to grasp you by the shoulders with both my hands and shake you until you got a blessing!  
A religious spirit allows people to tolerate hatred and anger under the guise of passion and holiness. Bill Johnson
Legalism has no pity on people. Legalism makes my opinion your burden, makes opinion your boundary, makes my opinion your obligation-Lucado
Some get spiritual because they see the light. Others because they feel the heat.Ray Wylie Hubbard
Definition of legalism- Damned if you do. Damned if you don't. TV

06-25-2012, 05:41 PM
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Re: This Week's Encounters with Legalism
Originally Posted by Margies3
"then she'll be getting all the grace she deserves from you"
BBYRD, this is my problem with what you have been saying - see that word "deserves"? None of us DESERVES grace. I know I don't. I know you don't either. But if what TV has is so much better than what his mom has, then he has to be an example of the grace of God that he has received from God. How else can he be an example if not by demonstrating that grace as he extends it to his mother? No, she doesn't deserve it. And it may be immensely hard to extend it to her. I understand that. And I am convinced that there is much more to this story than any of us know. I am truly not trying to pin TV up against a wall and slap him silly. That's not my point at all. My point is to try to get him to look at this situation from his mother's point of view and then even tho he doesn't agree, at least to love her with the love of the Lord that He's talked about. And if he does love her, it will show in the way that he treats her.
To that I have to say amen, and you def have a point there. But I think respect got confused with grace somewhere here. You can show a person who (obviously) has no self-respect grace, but I'm not sure you are even supposed to show respect to them; which doesn't mean show dis-respect, but don't throw pearls before swine, either.

06-26-2012, 06:24 AM
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Re: This Week's Encounters with Legalism
Originally Posted by Bro. Robbins
I don't know these people from Adam... names don't have to be mentioned for him to disrespect her position as mother in his life... her nastiness, vileness, even abusiveness does not negate the direction of Scripture to honor her..... to turn the other cheek.... to bless those who curse you.... to pray for those that despitefully use you..... all of those are in our Manual for code of conduct, and those principles stand no matter what the back story is, and no matter if we know the parties personally or not. It's the Word.
unless you been in some of the stuff you described i dont think you truely have a grasp on trying to honor and respect someone that doesnt respect you.
expecially when it comes to cases like sexual abuse and molestation
turning the other cheek makes a good sermon but its not that easy in life.
Getting these people out of your life is a positive thing, they can hinder your growth.
You can honor them by praying for them, but you dont have to obey them to honor them.
You may even try to reconcile your differences and the other person doesnt want to. These people are not ideal for your growth.
My brothers step kid and his girl friend have 4 kids, these kids daddy doesnt work doesnt help feed them and drink and smokes. the mother is in and out of jail has left them and went to another state. the 11 year old is forced to be the mother of the other three.
In this case these kids when they get old enough will leave there parents, infact the wasnt a father and a mother to begin with, they was the tool that birthed them. I dont see them having a relationship with their parents when they get older.
Maybe Later the kids can show honor to them and try and present the Gospel to them and pray for them, other than that. I dont know how else you could honor them, certainly obeying them isnt linked to honoring them.
Maybe it could be viewed as them leaving them when they get older is honoring them as the kids have been considered a burden to them.
any way stuff needs to be looked at on a case by case bases. expecially getting some kids of your own to help understand this as well.

06-26-2012, 08:11 AM
All Because Jesus...
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Posts: 727
Re: This Week's Encounters with Legalism
Originally Posted by tv1a
Jesus says if a person rejects the peace you bring, you are supposed to shake the dirt off your shoes and move on. If the parent rejects Godly counsel, no need to hang around. Jesus didn't beg for people to get healed. He let those with unbelief stay sick. The way some people think is Jesus made everyone well whether they wanted it or not. Jesus loved people enough to let them make stupid decisions.
shake the dust off your feet and go publicly malign them in an internet forum aren't the same thing.
The shake the dust off means doesn't imply a nasty, negative spirit toward them... calling them names, or being the judge that if they had received you differently they would have been healed.
Frankly, you don't know that God would have healed her in the way you think just if her attitude had been different, as God may have a different plan to bring about his healing... you just don't know... you assume.
Jesus may have said to shake the dust off, but that means you bring a benediction to your efforts and move on... your initial post is not moving on, but coming to a public place to disrespect your mother, because of how she's done you.... that is not Jesus at all.

06-26-2012, 08:16 AM
All Because Jesus...
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Posts: 727
Re: This Week's Encounters with Legalism
Originally Posted by acerrak
unless you been in some of the stuff you described i dont think you truely have a grasp on trying to honor and respect someone that doesnt respect you.
expecially when it comes to cases like sexual abuse and molestation
turning the other cheek makes a good sermon but its not that easy in life.
Getting these people out of your life is a positive thing, they can hinder your growth.
You can honor them by praying for them, but you dont have to obey them to honor them.
You may even try to reconcile your differences and the other person doesnt want to. These people are not ideal for your growth.
My brothers step kid and his girl friend have 4 kids, these kids daddy doesnt work doesnt help feed them and drink and smokes. the mother is in and out of jail has left them and went to another state. the 11 year old is forced to be the mother of the other three.
In this case these kids when they get old enough will leave there parents, infact the wasnt a father and a mother to begin with, they was the tool that birthed them. I dont see them having a relationship with their parents when they get older.
Maybe Later the kids can show honor to them and try and present the Gospel to them and pray for them, other than that. I dont know how else you could honor them, certainly obeying them isnt linked to honoring them.
Maybe it could be viewed as them leaving them when they get older is honoring them as the kids have been considered a burden to them.
any way stuff needs to be looked at on a case by case bases. expecially getting some kids of your own to help understand this as well.
Actually i have experienced those things within my own family... in the abuse area... and I never said that cutting someone out of your life wasn't an option or was disrespectful... so it would be wonderful if you would actually read what I wrote and not put words in my mouth and create straw men arguments.
I stated that she, merely by being his mother is deserved at least enough respect that he doesn't go into a public internet forum and malign and bash her. If he can't have a relationship with her, so be it. But be quiet about it, and don't use negative words to disrespect her... no matter what she's done.
Finally, I never said it was easy... living the way Christ wants us to live is a cross that is heavy sometimes. You have no idea the hurts, the pain, the abuse I've received... even at the hands of family... but the Holy Ghost provides me more power than just to speak in tongues, run the aisles and shout.
The Holy Ghost has the ability to transform our speech, our attitudes, our hurts, our love, our approach to all of mankind. I don't always yield like I should to that power, but when I do... then I'm able to love as Christ loves... and according to I Corinthians 13... it doesn't keep a record of wrongs... whether from a far or right there in a hospital room.

06-26-2012, 08:46 AM
Tired of it.
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Serious question. Bbyrd09. Are you high? Your posts are just so ... out there and nonsensical that I'm starting to wonder. I think I remember you posting in another thread about smoking weed. It would just explain a lot  No offense intended, by the way.
Believe those who are seeking the truth. Doubt those who find it. — André Gide
A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds... - Ralph Waldo Emerson

06-26-2012, 09:38 AM
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Re: This Week's Encounters with Legalism
Originally Posted by OnTheFritz
Serious question. Bbyrd09. Are you high? Your posts are just so ... out there and nonsensical that I'm starting to wonder. I think I remember you posting in another thread about smoking weed. It would just explain a lot  No offense intended, by the way. 
Master of Science in Applied Disgruntled Religious Theorist Wrangling
PhD in Petulant Tantrum Quelling
Dean of the School of Hard Knocks

06-26-2012, 09:43 AM
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Re: This Week's Encounters with Legalism
Originally Posted by Bro. Robbins
Actually i have experienced those things within my own family... in the abuse area... and I never said that cutting someone out of your life wasn't an option or was disrespectful... so it would be wonderful if you would actually read what I wrote and not put words in my mouth and create straw men arguments.
Ok first i didnt insert words in your mouth, but i dont want to seem harsh and i mean this out of respect.
You need to step outside of your little theological box for a moment bishop, this
and create straw men arguments.
is uncalled for. Period. we are not discussing or debating doctrine. we are talking about imperfect people living in a imperfect world with real issues. (i t was not my intent to make any straw man arguement im plainly stating the issue) simple.
while i apologize for not completly understanding you, my goal was to show that much of what goes on needs to be evaluated,
while i agree with what you said about his mother and the internet, he at the same time is looiking to vent his frustrations, maybe he needs to be admonished positivly as well since we dont exactly know the tensions going on between them. regardless of their relationship.
you made this comment
because of how she's done you.... that is not Jesus at all.
you do realize we are not jesus and we dont live perfect lives. while we are being perfected in Christ and made the rightousness of God through Christ. We want to be Christ like we are not Christ in the since of how he lived a perfect sinless life.
it is impossible for us to do what Jesus did and that is to live a sinless life. many things we do intentionally or unintentionally isnt Christ like, and that is where the power of grace is.

06-26-2012, 09:47 AM
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Re: This Week's Encounters with Legalism
Originally Posted by OnTheFritz
Serious question. Bbyrd09. Are you high? Your posts are just so ... out there and nonsensical that I'm starting to wonder. I think I remember you posting in another thread about smoking weed. It would just explain a lot  No offense intended, by the way. 
haha....been wondering the same thing! Yes, he did admit using drugs.

06-26-2012, 10:13 AM
All Because Jesus...
Join Date: Mar 2012
Posts: 727
Re: This Week's Encounters with Legalism
Originally Posted by acerrak
it is impossible for us to do what Jesus did and that is to live a sinless life. many things we do intentionally or unintentionally isnt Christ like, and that is where the power of grace is.
So Christ demands a way of life of us that is impossible to live? I never said the poster should live a sinless life... yet again you taking stretches in the discussion that are out of context of what was said.
However, we are to strive, every moment of every life to live as Christ would have us... and when we see one within the body fall (as we all do) short in their efforts, we are to admonish, encourage, and assist that one in seeing the stumble, so that they may be aware and we all can strive to not stumble over the same thing over, and over, and over.
Your post almost sounds as if we should just say, Jesus wants us to live a certain way, but we'll never be able to do it, so when we don't... we should just say, oh well, nobody is perfect..... and if that is your intimation here, that is absolutely ludicrous of what God expects of us as His body.
We are to emulate Him in every way... I would that you not sin, but if you do sin we have an advocate.... there is a constant striving for walking perfectly in Him... and when we mess up... those that are spiritual (meaning those that see it) are to help that person stumbling to see it (done in love, but truth), and hopefully we all learn from it.
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