Different God?
Is the God of Trinitarians a different One from the Oneness adherants?
Please. I really don't want to turn this into a debate on the two positions. We realize that there are very distinct differences and either one or both positions are incorrect.
We both would say we recongnize that there is an aspect of incomprehensibility and mystery about God. While He is immanant He is also transcendant. Our knowledge, at best, is incomplete and finite....and will always be.
If one has adopted the 'wrong' view of God isn't it still the same God? Mistaken? You bet. Is this a sin of making God into an idol? Some on both sides of the issue would say so. I tend to lean that way. From what I've read David Benard would disagree. He'd say that we both worship the same God though one has a mistaken conception of Him.
What say ye and more importantly, why?
"I have had a perfectly wonderful evening, but this wasn't it."
- Groucho Marx