Forbidden relationships were I believe originally outlined in Jewish law. Abraham himself married his half-sister. Before being spelled out incestuous relationships such as this were common.
As in jewish law, the Quran spells out what specific incestuous relationships are forbidden but is silent on others. Cousins (mothers or fathers brothers sons or daughters) are not defined as incestuous which Tim correctly pointed out mirrored Jewish law.
From a cultural standpoint the Arabs are a tribal lot and marriages are often arranged (with consent of the couple LOL) within the "tribe" aka extended and some not so extended family.
Originally Posted by aegsm76
wii - while conducting some medical history research, I happened to stumble on the first cousin marriage issue and read several articles about it.
I am still not totally certain that it is a "muslim" issue or just a cultural one from societies that tend to be muslim.
I am not sure where the religion actually stands on it.
Do you have any insight?