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I am looking for help with a couple of things...
1. Please point me to where I can find downloadable Holy Ghost filled Apostolic preaching such as at "http://www.theapostolicchurchpodcast.com/". Preferably a church where a McCool has preached at. There's a lot of McCools, so that should be easy.
2. I have a cd with all the church hymns in .ppt file format (powerpoint). I'm looking for a batch conversion program to convert the files into anything text (.txt, .doc, .rtf, .pdf, ect.), then merge the converted files into a single text document. There are approx 1800 total .ppt files (I do have openoffice, but I only understand to convert from .ppt to .odp. So, I know have each hymn in both .ppt and .odp).
3. Any free QUALITY resources such as:
http://www.apostolic.net/biblicalstudies/ (the best online doctrine articles I've ever seen)
with so much junk on the net, it's becoming harder to get good results from searching IMHO, and I've yet to see a free apostolic resources link list.
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