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Old 01-19-2011, 01:59 AM
jamesf jamesf is offline
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Posts: 1
Daily walking with christ

The true seeker of Christ must be strong and vigilant in HIS pursuit of Christ. He/She must be willing to pass through many nights of darkness, thick clouds and ever increasing temptations. He/She must experimentally learn the truth of waiting and waiting, doing nothing until the sun of righteousness shines within his/her soul. THE shining of the sun of righteousness comes with a revelation of Christ will and mind in every situation, the seeker find Himself. “Then spake JESUS again unto them saying I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.” (John 8v 12) In every situation he/she must wait for the shining of the sun lest he/she walk in darkness. He/She must not be hasty in spirit, but persistently waiting in patience until the day star arises in his or her soul (1 Peter 1v19) as he/she goes through the normal daily activities of life.

“In me ye shall have peace, but in the world tribulations,” saith Christ. The tribulations we encounter through life can either lead us to Christ or out of Christ. “Man that is born of a woman is of few days and full of troubles.” (Job 14v 1). As long as we are in the rule of the first born we can never be free from trouble and tribulation. Until Esau is separated from Jacob in the womb (the kingdom of God) they must always struggle within (Genesis 25 v22-23). “The son of man shall send forth HIS angels (His message either through the direct leading of HIS spirit or other instruments, the message is to reveal the wicked nature or the first born which must be destroy before we enter HIS peace or rest ) and the shall gather out of HIS kingdom everything that offend and them which do iniquity (the nature of Esau or first born)” (Matthew 13v 41).

The only tribulation that leads us to Christ is our willingness to allow the nature of Esau which is basically our selfish nature to be kept out of the womb (the kingdom of God). Until then we can never enter the fullness of the life of the second born, which is the fullness of our inheritance.

The process of the crucifixion of the judgment we give out of our natural understanding is a cross we must carry.

Christ comes to lead us:

I. Out of our self to HIMSELF

II. Out of our understanding to HIS UNDERSTANDING

III. Out of our judgment to HIS JUDGMENT

The imperfect can only walk in perfection when he is LEAD by the PERFECT. “Be ye therefore perfect even as your father in heaven is perfect” (Matthew 5v48 ). Unless Christ spirit controls our tongue and mind in our everyday activities, we can never please HIM nor enter HIS REST. Christ’s Spirit is within us, to give us the right words to speak at the right time in every situation.

In many cases we have misjudged and misinterpreted things by the use of our natural mind. Except we submit our mind to be possessed by the mind of Christ, Who alone can search the inward parts and reveal the hidden works of darkness, we will always be devouring and tearing each other.

Some of the tribulations we must pass through in entering Christ’s rest is:

I. We must know that we know nothing with a quick readiness to know what He would like us to know.

II. We must be willing to speak nothing until HE gives us the right words to speak in every complicated circumstance we find our selves.

III. Naturally we all love our selfish desires. We can only deny what we love. We must be willing to deny our selfish desires. In partaking of the cross of denying self it is in this process we come to know the divine union with our Savior. The LORD desires to take us where HE IS (John 14v3). In our following HIS leading, when HE walks we walk, When HE speaks we speak, when HE is quiet we become quiet. All this process is within. We must earnestly strive to enter the narrow way of HIS REST. Our striving is to wait and wait, even when nothing seems to be happening. Seeking HIM daily with unceasing prayer.

IV. We must be willing to enter a life of forgiveness, mercy and humility in our every day life. This are divine virtues a heavenly seeker must posses. The impact of such a heavenly life to the creation is a mystery the natural mind cannot comprehend.

V. To be free from sinning is simply to follow the leading of the LIGHT. “He that believeth on me shall never walk in darkness,” saith Christ. How can we believe in Christ if we do not hear HIS voice within us? and how can we hear the leading of HIS voice, if we do not earnestly seek HIS will and guidance in our everyday life?
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