Ok, so this isn't a "huge" testimony. It's just about the so-called little things that Jesus does for us each day. A specific thing for me is have presence or sobriety of mind. I have a tendency to explode in anger over anything that presses a nerve. Sometimes the situation is quite trivial and I become embarassed about my anger which...makes me angrier still. I'm am along way from perfection, but I'm getting better now that I am able to admit that I am wrong when I am wrong.
Complaining constantly is to me like air pollution. It goes on and on until you simply can't live in the tainted atmosphere. So I've been taught to think on the things that I am grateful for rather than the things I'm inclined to whine about. A little thing...
I say so-called because when I think about it, everything Jesus does is huge; vast. There is always something to it that I haven't considered. I love that He's bigger than me, not just in power, but in thought, intent, purpose, and everything else.
Thank God for the wonderful, big, "little things" that He does for us!