TSA spreading infectious diseases.
Scrubbing before surgery. If you use a hand scrub brush, you scrub for
5 minutes first time each day and 3 minutes with a brush for the next cases before donning sterile gloves. Yes the first scrub caused pain on my sun burned arms from the weekend .
The wearing of gloves does NOT eliminate the requirement to scrub. There are several good antiseptic solutions for cleaning.
Now the TSA fondlers wear gloves to protect them selves from "bugs"
They do not change gloves between groping incidents. There are cases where they push the hand under the undergarments.
We are dealing with an ignorant group of uneducated technicians.
Spreading disease is very easy.
I am not a clean freak. I have no problem working working with people that have TB and wearing suitable protection. Just remember even youngsters that take a little food handlers class to get that first fast food job have a little hygeine education and policy that far exceeds what the screeners do.