Originally Posted by Mr. Smith
No, no, no.....There are limitations, intellectually, to where certain people at certain levels can develop. Some, because of their limitations, can never develop beyond a certain age no matter how old they get. To say a person that is 40, with an IQ of 70, is automatically developed to age 28, is comical.
I have no idea why I even argue with you because you routinely say the goofiest things on the internet. But I figured I would at least say something here just in case someone might believe you.
Good grief.
It seems you are ignorant regarding maths.
We use the word intelligence. Not development. Piagett and a couple others specialized in stages of development theory. Different theories.
A child with the age of 8 and the intelligence scores of a 10 year old has an Intelligence Quotient of what? 125 10 divided by 8 times 100 which is the case of 8 divided by 8. If the intelligence scores of an 8 year old are the same as the average 6 year old, his IQ is 75.
There is a math pattern here.
Big word allert is "Quotient"