"OH, America that is drunk on pleasures, come out of the castle and look on the millions who perish without ever having a chance...
Can we really live in our little worlds and sing Oh, how I love Jesus when our actions prove otherwise?"
This was posted by a missionary, on Facebook, yesterday. After reading this post, and several others she created, I began to seethe. This person was attacking my country, my giving, and my love for souls, in order to raise money for her missions work. It bothered me that she was using Facebook as the vehicle to raise that money. It bothered me that she was using guilt and insults to try to motivate "unmotivated" American Christians.
"only a missionary understands..."
This is what really got to me. After several people expressed outrage at her careless words, she began to post about all of the hardships she had endured, as if a missionary is the only person in the world who suffers hardship. Later, she began to delete the responses of her Facebook friends as they pointed just how abusive her posts were.
Her general attitude led me to remove her from my friends list.
The American church gives plenty. Most foreign missions works would collapse without the gifts of hard-working American men and women who sacrifice to further the work of God.
Americans are hurting right now. Many churches struggle to keep the doors open. Most pastors work a secular job just to get by. This is a new economic environment, and the notion that we are drunk on wealth is antiquated. Most American men and women, including pastors, must work to live. Some of us are working two and three jobs to provide for our families.
Believe me, the pastors I know would love to enjoy the income stream that missionaries receive. Not only do missionaries receive a salary from the American church, pretty much the entire work is funded by the American church.
So please, stop with the God complex. Stop with the guilt trips and insults. It's awfully cold out here, and your whining is drowning out the sound of my kids crying for food.