Originally Posted by coadie
Question for Pelthais.
Give us the scripture and verse that in your Darwinist view is the first verse that is litterally true as written with no need for "interpretation"
When people fall under the spell of a non Christian biology class, they jump on the Darwinist band wagon.
There is no "stumper" for people that do flow charts.
Again, there is for people that castigate God's scriptures and play word games. They think they have a "gotcha"
You made another dishonest claim in reference to heat. God doesn't follow your presuppositions.
You are not all knowing and in your imagination think there would have been too much heat.
You're starting to go off the tracks again, but I will ignore it. In answer to your question, there is no Scripture that doesn't require "interpretation" (
2 Peter 1:20-21, implies this).
In fact, all human language requires some "interpretation" to be correctly understood. You already know this and if we weren't arguing the point right now, you might even have been the one to bring it up. But, you box yourself into your own angry little corner. Lighten up a bit. Give yourself a break.
There's no such thing as a "non-Christian biology class." There is only accurate information and inaccurate information in biology. Biology studies natural life, not the things of God. If you want Theology, that's a different classroom.
I do not have a "Darwinist view" of the Bible. My methodology there is far more ancient than Victorian England or even the days of your Bishop Ussher.
My "Darwinism" is simply a facet of of understanding the natural world. To be more correct, my understanding of Biology involves what is commonly called the "Neo-Darwinist Synthesis." This is what you would learn in a Biology class at your local community college if you wanted to enroll and study it for yourself.