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Old 08-08-2010, 10:13 AM
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Loren Adkins

Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Kennewick Wa
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Re: For those that left the UPC...

Originally Posted by Truthseeker View Post
One thing I notice is it says obey him, not a list of rules and such. Many have faith believing in Christ and he died for their sins, but smoke dope, fornicate etc....are they saved? They will confess Christ is lord and raised from the dead.

You are the one that just formed a list of rules," but smoke dope, fornicate etc...." what are you trying to say, "Obey what?" If not a list of rules.

You qouted James 2 but let's read on to verse 24:

"Ye see then how that by works a man is justified, and not by faith only"

Seems to go against your faith alone position.

Very good, but you are missing the point. All this is after salvation, has come into our lives. What we are talking about in these passages are the proving points that should be manifested in the live of a saved one. But these do not bring intitial salvation into our lives.

You ask does "those not circmucised were cut off as well. Does that apply to baptism?" Yes there comes a time when God will cut them off if they do not obey his spirit and word. But here is the point I do not beleive we have the authorityj or right to judge anyone as to whether they have God in thier lives or not.
Including smoking dope and commiting fornication. When Jesus said judge not lest you be judged means in all things, We are not to judge each other, we are to show love one to another.
Let me give an example of this and why I beleive we must not look through our human eyes but let God do the work.
My eldest daughter got herself pregnant, thank God she refused to get an abortion as the father wanted her to. Three months before my grandson was born the father came back into my daughter life. He did not want to have a child of his to not have a father his dad had not been in his life. We sat down and had a long talk, I told him that if he stayed around us and he loved God he would come to see things our way in God because if we had the truth, truth would prevail. Three months after my grandson was born my daughter and the father sat down with my wife and I and said they had decided to move into together as the father could support my daughter better. As he lived accross the state.
Now my grandson was 3-4 when the father came to God. My daughter and him still lived together for 2 more years before I performed thier wedding.
Now we want to say they were in sin during that two years. I say God knew the heart and situation.
We say a person must get baptized right away to be saved, I say it does not matter when they get baptized solong as they do. And if for some reason the pass from this life before baptism we are not thier judge.
And finaly what does justification have to do with salvation. Abraham was already saved and obeying God long before he offered Isaac on the alter. Abraham was already counted as righteous even before circumcision.
Study the word with and open heart For if you do, Truth Will Prevail
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