Originally Posted by HeavenlyOne
Brad, I'll play along here and agree that you were born to be homosexual. Here is your problem....we were all born with the predisposition to sin. We are sinners from birth.
That said, do we excuse people from sinning because we were born that way?
That would become a problem, because then we wouldn't need the legal system to judge folks who commit crimes. One sin isn't worse than another in the eyes of God, and since He is the judge, you can't complain if someone wants to come into your house and rip you off after cutting your throat.
After all, they were born that way.
As I've stated before (by the way, these are grossly hysterical examples you are making), murdering God's creation is not a God-given, natural desire. Human companionship is. I have agreed all along that homosexuality deviates from the first human relationship (Adam & Eve) but believe that it deviates as the result of a naturally occuring genetic mutation (such as hermaphroditism, intersexism, or any other genetically altered deviation). This belief is based on the fact that orientation is most definitely genetically determined due to the amazingly high correlation that exists between chromosomal sex and orientatin (i.e., most males are attracted to females and visa versa).
Because I know from first hand experience that I COMPLETELY lack an attraction to females and, instead, have an attraction to males, I know that my genetically determined orientation has deviated from the norm but is real, true, and natural nonetheless. This disqualifies me from being an individual who has been turned over to homosexuality because of idolatry.