Watch in amazement as Stoneking translates
1 Cor. 11:10 on the fly at 32 minutes and 15 seconds. “The woman owes her authority through/ by/with Angels”. Again Stoneking shows that he has no idea what he is talking about.
The Greek word translated as “because of” is δία. This is a preposition and any 1st year Greek student (as early as chapter 8 in Mounce’s grammar) knows prepositions in Greek change their meaning depending on the object of the preposition. Mounce says “the preposition δία means “through” if its object is in the genitive, but “on account of” if its object is in the accusative”. In
1 Cor. 11:10, “the angels” is in the accusative. This means it’s “on account of” or “because of” the angels just like all English bibles translate it. It's not “through/by/with” the angels as Stoneking claims. Here is another example of why you can’t just pick and choose definitions out of your Strong’s concordance to support your pet theology.