Baby Steps to Holiness
When the Lord "made His presence known to me" I was 8 years old. I thought I was losing my mind ! I was raised in the middle of a Christian family but I never heard the word "holiness" or "what it meant to be saved". I had to keep my relationship secret - as not to offend anyone. There was no one I could confide in or ask questions of (not even in the church I attended). It was very frustrating and difficult growing up being led by the Spirit while seeing and hearing things around me which were contrary to Holiness.
I would like to encourage ANYONE led by the Sprit to remain faithful - no matter how strange it may seem in the world today. I am now 60 years old and am seeing the "fruits of the Spirit" revealed in ways I never dreamed possible through my life and that of my children and grandchildren.
EVERY word in scripture is true ! Try and Test those words. Be real with Jesus and allow HIM to be your best friend. He will never leave you or forsake you even if you see evidence to the contrary.
Have a Blessed Day