Originally Posted by jfrog
A work sponsored dress code ends at work. A church sponsored dress code ends at church.
Then you should have brought that up with your local pastor..
I work as a military, dress up in a military clothing, but when church and when opportunity permits, I obey what my church standard is.. It doesnt have to be biblical in that manner... i dont see anything bad against clothing standards but moreso, i become more disciplined and if i can follow the rules of the armed forces to wear what i must wear whether it's 100 lbs of extra load, i can't complain. i gave my loyalty to the state, to the service, to the uniform... why can't you render that honor and loyalty to your church? moreso, if moslem women can follow that strict eye only (to be seen) mode of standard, if they can do that for Allah, I can do that for Jesus... (this is to point out that adhere to the standard of your church or get out of it! but before you get out of that church bcoz of its standards, gauge your self what state are you in your spirituality or youre just a sick brethren who's sick and tired to follow rules..... (im not saying in any abrupt manner but trying to point out something in this regard)
The other aspect of this is you dont believe in the standard to be biblical... in that sense, you dont have to leave your church if u think they are wrong, if u really love them, lead them... study with them, discuss with them, argue with them, debate with them.... but if u think oneness err in this area and u just left them for this reason, where is the love yo?! i dont know?! and trust me... you'll see in other churches that people argue in other different standards of their churches whether it be in regard with money, leadership, choir uniform, carpet color, color of paint of the church, etc.. etc.. hope u get my point. ;-)