Re: The end is at hand!!!!!!!!!
The Holy Ghost was given to us, just as it was the Apostles. To enpower, to lead and
guide into all truth. The Spirit (GOD,Deity) could be in all. Jesus walked with those
chosen disciples (ignorant and unlearned men) and taught them for 3 1/2 yrs. He was
crucified, rose again after three days. He appeared to Mary Magdalene and to His disci-
ples at different times. He also appeared to other witnesses and just prior to his ascen-
ion, taught His chosen disciples some more, opened their understanding that they
might understand the scriptures. Sent them to Jerusalem to wait for the Promise of the
Father. The Holy Ghost or Spirit of GOD! Jesus told the disciples that He was WITH them
but was going to be IN them. That same Jesus whom they saw leaving was going to be
in them! How! THE SPIRIT (GOD) IS A SPIRIT! TO wit (know) that GOD WAS IN CHRIST,
reconciling the world unto HIMSELF! YES, JESUS went up, that the SPIRIT could come
down. That God might be all IN all.
The body (humanity) of the Son became hungry and ate. In the storm, the body of the
Son became tired and fell asleep in the boat. But when there arose a storm, the Spirt of
the Father inside the body, SPOKE PEACE to the storm. The elements had heard that
VOICE before. "Let there be light, and there was light". Now HE speaks, "Peace be still",
and the storm ceases. All is calm! All is bright! OH, HOW HE longs to bring peace to His
people today! Just as HE sat up in the Mount and wept over Jerusalem. Now HE is IN HIS
people and we carry the Spirit. Does HE weep through us as we take the Gospel to our
cities. Or does HE weep because many did not, as Jerusalem, the day of their visitation.
Approx 40 yrs later, Jerusalem was sieged and leveled to the ground. Missionaries have
gone and people and churches have sacrificed to send them to the foreign lands to tell
the good news of Jesus Chrsit. In countries where the gospel has gone, earthquakes
have almost destroyed whole cities.
There was a time in the early 1930's that "JESUS" passed by the little town my late
paternal grandparents lived. He came in an old white-haired preacher, preaching on
the street corner of their tiny town. I am so glad my grandmother heard, got stirred
up enough to search the Word one more time. To see if it be true or not. For five gene-
rations of our family, this message has been preached and obeyed. The Word of the
LORD will endure FOREVER! For the most part, the approximate 1500 people that
came from miles around to hear this humble man, never knew their day of visitation.
The days that Jesus was passing by. They didn't recognize Him in that body of clay
that the messge was stored in! But if they had only listened to the words he spoke.
Jesus told His disciples that the words He spoke, "they are spirit and they are life".
Jesus Christ the same, yesterday and today and forever!
Those in Jesus' day didn't know who He was. They thought he was "is this
not Joseph, the carpenter's son. Is this not Mary's son! If they had known
who He was, they would not have killed the King of Glory!