Apostolic Identity Letter to UPC Districts
I'm in a district on the east coast and received a letter in the mail last week about Apostolic Identity, and as I researched it, I realized it was a cut and paste word for word from DB's letter to the South Texas District last September. Just a question, is this going out to all UPC Districts now? I thought it was misleading since it really didn't originate from my district board, but was an exact copy from DB when he was district superintendant. Here is what it states:
Apostolic Identity.
We are thankful for the tremendous revival and growth that we are experiencing. At the same time, we must acknowledge that a few ministers have begun to question some of our Apostolic distinctives, particularly some aspects of holiness in outward appearance and possibly some aspects of the doctrine of salvation. The District Board unanimously and firmly believes that we must maintain our Apostolic identity on these biblical doctrines of the new birth and holiness, while continuing to press for revival and growth. As a District Board, we take seriously our responsibility to ensure that all our ministers adhere to these scriptural teachings. The District Board has adopted a plan of action and has asked me as district superintendent to follow up on these matters. We understand that the local church is self-governing, that the pastor has authority and responsibility to lead the local church, and that there is room for diversity of opinion and application in many areas. We also understand the need for wisdom, patience, and tolerance in both evangelism and discipleship, proclaiming the life of faith and not legalism.
However, we expect that those who are used in public leadership, such as preaching, teaching, and leading in worship, will reflect the values of the New Testament church as understood and proclaimed by the UPCI. If some ministers are seeking direction on these issues, we are available for personal discussion and guidance, and we will provide tools and forums for further study. We don’t want anyone to leave our fellowship, but if some have made a definite decision that they do not believe and will not implement these teachings, then they are no longer in harmony with the UPCI, and the most consistent decision is for them to withdraw.