Originally Posted by Truthseeker
Heb 5:9
9 And being made perfect, he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that OBEY him ;
Originally Posted by TheLegalist
Faulty logic...
We are saved by Christ's work but not ONLY by his work. He is the source of salvation but because he is the source does not mean you are saved. Abrahams covenant was brought true by his faithfulness to God. His response was judged RIGHT. Just as faith(context overlap) is a righteous deed your obedience/submission is judged a righteous deed which is judged as faithful. I am sorry are we still dealing with types or actualities.... Baptism is seen as the appointed time of you REALIZING the atonement of Christ in covenant. That is why it is NEW not OLD!
I can say yes and no to "faith alone" see my previous post. It is a matter of context of what is attached to it.
So we get down to the questions. How much do we have to obey him to achieve new birth? Is it repent, be baptized, and get the Holy Ghost?