Move to Free wyoming
Wyoming is the best place to move too.
No seat belt tickets.
75 mph speed limit
no car inspection stickers
largest town is only 55,000 people
97% white with lowest crime rate.
No gun laws, anyone can own or open carry a gun.
Only state that does not share info with IRS.
Hunting is the best, no deer stands needed.
Road hunting is legal. If your handy capped you can shoot out the window, if not you must take 10 steps out of truck.
Game wardens do not wear guns, and are freindly.
Lowest unemployment rate in US.
Wages are higher, C-stores and Micky D's starts out 12.00 per hour.
Only place you can buy remote land for 200.00 bucks per acre.
No aircondtioner needed in summer.
Wind zone is highest, this means you can build home with small wind genarator to run entire house with no electric bill.