Originally Posted by Monterrey
Now Shaq
In relation to relative theology, do you see what I am meaning?
Relative theology is a fairly new method of studying prophecy. Yet it has proven very successful in interpreting the prophetic scriptures.
I have looked at what some of you preterits have written and in light of relative theology it is applicable for both ways.
"Relative theology" Hmm. That's pretty good. One can almost always be correct with that. Why, one can even predict 2 million (or was it billion, I forget) will die no later than...oh, wait, 2 years ago...ooops.
Say, did you know, Irving Baxter jr. is by definition a Partial Preterist?
And I quote Bro. Baxter jr. ...
..."I believe it can be proven that the first three seals of Revelation 6 have now been opened (see Lesson 4 of Understanding the Endtime). The farther we move into the endtime, the more of the prophecies will be fulfilled and become history rather than futuristic. "
To compare him with Bill Branham is quite "Revelatory" to say the least.