Originally Posted by Godsdrummer
That is the point I am making I am not saying they are a have to to be saved. As for that matter our salvation is not base on works but faith in the Gospel of Christ. But if you can see the direction I am heading with house churches there is a need to come together on occasion for group fellowship. This is what I see God doing with Isreal. My understanding is they did not have regular church services or meetings as we do today. Each home was a church for a better word. yet they needed to whole nation just as we need the whole body to draw strength, this is what I see God doing with the feasts days. They were times when all came together to worship at one place several times a year. We do this every Sunday and many say if we don't attend it is sin. I don't beleive this any more but it is still benificial to worship as a larger group. Even Paul stated to not forsake the assembling of ourselves together.
As a get-together it would indeed be a blessing. But in Israel's time of OT law, it was a demand. In fact, they were cut off if they did not keep the three main feasts, I think it was.
I still hesitate to use the word NEED with the feasts, though, since it puts a "have to" concept in them. And so technically there is no NEED for the feasts, even to get together. We NEED to get together, but the feasts do not have to be that means. Anyway, aside from that, amen.
See the problem I see is after two or three generations every movement becomes a religion. And this is not where God was directon teh kingdom of God. When we become a religion we raise men/women into the position that God belongs. Just as Isreal did when they wanted a king. We would rather do as Isreal said to Moses, we don't want to hear God you tell us and we will obey. But God did not robe himself in flesh and give himself on the cross just so we could go back to the old way. We are to come to God on a personal realm.
The word of God is a personal guide book to the individual not given to pastors to interperit and then give to the layity.
Php 2:12 Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.
So long as we walk after the Spirit, we will be free of becoming a "religion". I think the concept of looking at movements failing is rooted in the cause of beginning "movements" in the first place. I do not like the concept of movements. The Kingdom of God is a biological entity of believers despite any movements some of them might be in. And these movements always seem to begin with personal agendas to a degree, anyway. Or else the fully sincere founders who had no agendas have not seen others come along to keep things going without a personal agenda. Whatever the case, this movement concept should stop.
You're right! We need a personal relationship concept instilled in all the saints. Just today I told our congregation that they should not accept anything I or any other preacher says without seeing it themselves in the Bible.