Re: The catching away
To all
I just love the way we throw the word truth around as if we all have it figured out. There is only one truth and that is Jesus Christ and him crucified. It is hard to change what we have been taught I know it took me years. I do want to say this Easter all the verses you have quoted about the coming of the Lord were all writen before 70ad. Hmm The coming of the lord in judgement on those that had forsaken him in those days. The judgment was to those that crucified. Of course one can try to make it fit what they want to for they have for centeries and they will still be making it fit in the next generations to come. Their will always be governments rise that will give people the idea that this is the time prophecied. they have done it down thru history. this should give one the inclining that one has missed the boat...
Study the word with and open heart For if you do, Truth Will Prevail