Originally Posted by Edward Anglin
She babbles nonsensically.
She uses the word "American" way too much.
She stepped away from her role as governor to pursue celebrity and cold, hard, cash.
I never thought it possible, but the GOP has found an even worse communicator than GW Bush.
No serious Republican would consider her for President.Sarah Palin?
You are very wrong on that. Many are very serious and would love to have her for president!
There are several candidates far more qualified than her.
More qualified in what way? And who?
Originally Posted by Ferd
Ed, I am not a SP fan. It seems to me that the VP ought to be able to navigate an interview better than she did.
There is this part of me that wants her to win the white house in 2012 simply to cause the left to go into an apoplectic fit.
The way she has been vilified is beyond reason. The personal attacks, the vile things that have been said about her family. The way her children have been drug thru the mud is beyond the pale.
For those reasons alone, I have this passing hope that she wins. I won’t vote for her in the primary. I don’t think she is the best offering from the conservatives. But the look on Keith Overbites face would be priceless.
I agree with Ferd here also. The media really hates her, and I really hate the media!
I think the media has done their job well. They even have the Republicans picking her apart!
I like the issues she stands for. I think she also holds her own in giving speeches and have not seen her in an interview. But I also consider the sources on some of that. KC I have no respect for. Can't stand the woman!
But you see what we have because folks voted for the "smooth talker"!
If SP runs for President she has my vote!
I also don't like the double standard of asking Sarah about her child care but not the men, and not the lawyers or the school teachers, NO just SP has to be grilled about her child care plans.
Personally I don't care how smooth she is or isn't in her interviews, I care more about what she stands for. Is she willing to try and bring America back to a higher moral standard, will she tie the militaries hands in protecting America? Does she have a plan for the American economy, and most important I truly believe she is an American.
Everything OB has done is destroying America, but that's okay, he's a smooth talker, he promised you hope and change. My Hope is he is removed from office sooner than later, the change has been how fast can he destroy America.
He is an embarrassment to the USA when he goes to the foreign country.