Re: Arabic Muslims in the Military
This is definitely a discussion that needs to take place. It is ignorant for anyone be it military or civilian to think otherwise. What occurred at Ft. Hood, hit very close to home for me; being a mil-spouse. When one joins the armed forces they are not ignorant to the fact they will probably at some point in their military career in a war against another sovereign nation. If one has any inhibitions about that then they should not enlist in the armed forces. Many people join for the educational benefits or no other means of employment. Well when one joins for those reason they assume all the risks and responsibilities that come along with such a commitment. It is also asked if the person enlisting has any religious reasons that would preclude them from fulfilling their duties in the armed forces. Even for those that are Christian's have to ask themselves if they are okay with serving for religious reasons. Namely, thou shalt not kill. However, God is a god of war. So, this discussion must be addressed across the board. Thoroughly questioning people that want to enlist should be done. For example, there are those that are in gangs that join the Army and Marines to learn combat fighting. There are serious problems that need to be addressed. What happened at Fort Hood is unfortunate and quite sickening, but on the other hand this incident has in my opinion forced people to take a pause and forget about political correctness and address the issues of the war that our nation is fighting. As we can see those we are fighting will stop at nothing to attack our country.