Originally Posted by jfrog
Everything in our government is too beuracratic, ...its basically just aquainting the immigrants with what we here face all the time
As far as the law being unjust. I say it is not unjust. It wouldn't be unjust if we decided to allow NO immigrants. It's unjust that their government doesn't provide them with good oppurtunities. That is where the unjustice lies. Since there are so many illegal immigrants coming here, maybe their homelands should pay us a "tribute" for their poor use of resources that causes their people to try to illegally come here. The point is that it is not injustice on our part if we turn them away. Nor would it be unjust if we deported every single illegal immigrant. The injustice doesn't fall on our country on this issue no matter how many sob story's you know of. So ultimately it is our country's decision to decide whether we show mercy or not, and we are under no moral or ethical obligation to do either. Regardless of whether we show mercy or not, reform needs to happen on the immigration front.
There's a fundamental disagreement between us. You see, you see Freedom as something granted by the government, therefore the government has the right to deny Freedom and liberty in our land to any it chooses. You probably see principles of Liberty that we embraced granted by the Constitution also. This would cause you to believe that non-citizens aren't entitled to the Freedoms protected by the Constitution.
I believe differently. I believe that the Freedom we enjoy in our nation is an inalienable God given human right entitled to ALL regardless of where they come from. Our ancestors fled here seeking the Freedoms we enjoy... many of them stole land from Native Americans and butchered them (I know it's not one sided, atrocities were committed by Native Americans too). However, my ancestry is Dutch, Irish, English, and German. I cannot fathom supporting a bureaucratic monstrosity that would have criminalized my ancestors, and in fact, criminalizes all who seek Freedom who do not have the privilege of following the established process.