Vacation Testimony!
Want to share something that good happened this weekend.
We decided to go on a short family vacation, as we have done some extended ministry trips, now it was family time. We didn't have a lot of money, but I was able to put aside some extra cash. I took some time off work, arranged the church to be cared for and then we finalized the trip arrangements.
Then all went wrong.
We discovered Disneyland was hosting Gay, Lesbian Weekend the weekend we decided to go.
Who wants to go there with a family this weekend.
So we elected to go on Friday instead of Sat. and Sunday.
I made Hotel Arrangements through, we arrive at the Embassy Suites and discover they didn't transmit our reservation to the Hotel, so we are sitting there at 12:30am trying to figure out what to do. The guy finally said that he can accommodate us for one night, but they can't do Friday night. So at that point we take them up on the one night, believing that we will find something the next day.
Testimony Time, we wake up with word that they are able to find another room, but he AC doesn't work good for $99 instead of $188, (didn't matter it was cool). The lady who helped us, arranged for her Husband who works with Disneyland gave us his employee tickets, one-day hopper passes for $60.
Also the Hotel ended up being $150 cheaper than
So we ended up saving over $350 for the weekend trip.
The answer is when things go wrong outside your control, look for God to do something great. Even on trivial (not to me) things like family vacations.
Oh by the way, we got a contact now for discount hotel rates and employee discount tickets for disneyland.
Please pray for India
My personal mission is to BRING people into a right relationship with God, GROW them up to maturity and SEND them back into the world to minister.
Last edited by Pastor Keith; 10-04-2009 at 08:04 PM.