I know some won't like this post, but oh well ... sometimes the facts are left behind in a rush to execute someone for admitted mistakes.
1. MikeinAR - on one hand you bash Limbaugh for his abuse of pills --- which he came clean on and admitted his use of on his radio program. I know he did, because I was a listener back then and heard it. On the other hand you defend Letterman for his coming clean and suggest Clinton should have done the same.
Mike, if it works for one, it should work for everyone. You show your bias when you continually bash conservatives for their admitted mistakes, but cover up for liberals admitted mistakes.
It's called being hypocritical...
2. Let's get things straight here ... Letterman was not "outed" by any of the ladies he had sexual relations with. He was illegally blackmailed by a male co-worker.
Letterman was not married during the time... it was NOT an affair on his part. So why the demand that he show remorse for consentual acts he did as a single adult.
Some people amaze me with their blind ignorance and rush to judgement.
The same ones who were upset with BHO's blind and ignorant rush to judgement against the white police officer, are themselves now making the same blind and ignorant rush to judgement against Letterman.
Look, you all may disagree with his politics; you may think he's crass and a jerk ... but all he did was as a single man, he had relations with several co-workers.
It may be biblically and morally wrong but he did nothing most men in the workplace don't do themselves.
For the record, I don't like Letterman, I think he's incredibly disrespectful to conservatives -- especially to President Bush.
'I know what you are saying,' he said. 'I'll be darned, Dave had sex!'
Really? People are angry about this quote? It's called self-depreciating humor. Again, no remorse is needed - not married, no laws broken ...
Sorry to interrupt your hangin' ...