Originally Posted by izzorac79
The same last days that is mention in the books of Acts 2:17. In the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my spirit upon all flesh.... Peter is describing something that happen in 1st century A.D. (receiving the Holy Ghost). if we put the "last days" of timothy in our time (2000 plus years later), then we must do the same for the "last days" in the book of Acts, but because we don't; then we put the "last days" in timothy in 1st century A.D. before the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D
Thank you good point. So then can one say that we are not living in the last days? since I have changed my veiw point of prophecy. I now see how things could go on indefinitly. I mean it has only been 2000 years sence the cross, and if my understanding is right OT or mans recorded history as far as we can tell covers around 4000 years. So if God let things go in that time why would we think he would cut things short now. My understanding of things now is not that God will come down and punish the whole world. But that he will come down and punish countrys and or governments. Which we have seen through out history. When they turn to far from God.