04-17-2007, 06:24 PM
Originally Posted by Pressing-On
I've been in UPC for 22 years and my husband 30. He just walked in and I asked him for verification - "Yes, it has been preached as a heaven or hell issue".
Thank you~ Some here want it look as if I or others here on this forum just thought this stuff up! I stated in my own post here, my husband and I while we were UPCI, lic we did teach and preach it as heaven or hell. I know of many pastors who taught it as such and still do.
UPC’s Legalistic Dress Code
Please Note: By challenging UPC’s dress code (among other things) we are not saying that women are free to wear revealing and\or provocative clothes to church or at any other time. It is far from decent or seemly for a woman who has committed her life to Jesus Christ to dress herself the way that so many women do today. See How Should Christian Women Dress?
Anyone can say that God has revealed something to them. In fact, that is precisely what the Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, etc. have done. They claim that God has revealed things to them that go above and beyond what the scriptures actually say.
Scriptures alone are the sole authority on the truth. Not your pastor, not the UPC, only the Book. Only the Apostles had the authority to pronounce doctrine. What the UPC has done is exactly what the Pharisees and all the legalists of Jesus' day did. They have created laws to live by that are not laws of God, but of man. This is why Jesus said that they do worship God uselessly for they obey the commands of men, not of God. He said they lay heavy burdens of oppression on the people and hinder them from serving God.
As soon as someone starts saying that God has told him or her something that is not backed up by the Bible, they are lying, whether intentionally or not. Your pastor is free to believe whatever he wishes, but when he starts requiring church members to follow an invented doctrine, or worse, telling them that they will go to hell if they don't, then he is out of line and will be held accountable for it by God.
Pray and go to the scriptures to find out what to believe, instead of going to the scriptures to prove what you have already decided to believe.