Originally Posted by Falla39
Some, male and female, never heard what I REALLY said. They heard what they
WANTED to hear. It better served their spirit. The are many spirits gone out into
the world today. Opposing, resisting, deceiving, hindering, vexing, provoking
spirits, etc.
Never was I told or taught, to wear my hair up or down.
I made some comments as to why I wore my hair up, as a young mother and
wife. I also made the following statement:
"This is not in anyway, to speak against a woman that feels otherwise.
This is MY personal story, fifty yrs, after the fact".
I never heard of the "magic hair" term until I heard it on AFF.
If the Bible (Word) had itemized every thing, there would have been no need for
the Holy Ghost, the Spirit of Truth to come. The truth was hid from the wise (in
their own eyes) and prudent, and revealed unto babes (open humble spirit willing
to receive).
I feel very sorry for some young mothers and fathers, even ministers, today with
young and teenage children, and grandchildren.
Instead of opposing and resisting the things my elders told me, we didn't back talk
and although we DID NOT understand the reasoning of some of their words, we
listened, respected and waited.... at least until we became adults.
If we don't listen to our godly parents as children, we will answer to GOd
as adults.
Ever notice how many times in Rev.3, it says, He that hath an ear, let him hear what
the Spirit saith to the churches. It is not just to the church but to as many as are led
(a choice) by the Spirit of God. A teachable spirit is not something we see in
abundance today, sad to say.
Sis. Falla,
What does this post have to do with the topic? I take instruction from my elders as well. None of them share your feelings about women wearing their hair down.
It isn't disrespectful for people on this forum to disagree with your posts, and ask for clear reasoning behind them.
I do have a teachable spirit, and disagreeing with your post doesn't indicate otherwise. When my
mother or one of my
older sisters speak to me about issues, I listen, and don't argue, even if I disagree. When my
pastor teaches about something, I listen, and try to hear his point of view--even if I don't like it. When someone on this forum speaks, I read, and respond as if we are equals, because no one on this forum is in a position of authority over me.
IMO, you need to stop touting the fact that you are an elder woman as a prop for your views. Instead, support your views with scripture and clear reasoning. No one earns respect simply by aging. If that were the case, then a lot of ungodly older people would demand respect, based on age alone.
Please pardon my plain speaking--I'm not trying to be disrespectful. I like to base conversations around what the Word has to say, and I take the opinions of men--and women--with a grain of salt. God's Word should have the final say on everything, whether by principle or black and white verse.