Re: Baptism from God's Perspective
If we preach/teach part/gospel when we know whole/gospel, is that not
deception. Our statements of faith must be whole gospel. The whole gospel
to the whole world.
Through the years some have preached part-gospel and now their children
are confused and and have risen up against those who preach/teach the
whole gospel.
The A of G pastor in our city was circulating tracts against the Apostles
Doctrine. My late father talked to him and asked him if they could sit down
in brotherly love and with their Bibles discuss the Word of God. He told my
Dad, "We're friends now, but if we did that, we would no longer be friends".
Yet when he was due to have open heart surgery, he asked my dad to pray
for him. He refused to listen to more, but when he was on his deathbed, Dad
and I went to his home and prayed for him. Although he never was willing to
listen to more truth, Dad was a friend until death, always willing to tell him
the whole truth. Part-truth is dangerous because it deceives.
I graduated from high school with his only child, a son, who married my best
friend in school from 6th grade to graduation. She has been very ill the last
few years. I have prayed and others have prayed and her husband told our son
this week, that she was better. My son said, My mom has prayed and had us
pray for her many times. He said, I know!
They left his father's church many years ago and now belong to the 140 yr
old, very large Baptist church in our city.We have many neighbors and friends
there who I know, know there is more. But woe is me IF I ever tell them they
can be saved with less than the whole gospel!
Two of them came several months ago, to our church, because of despera-
tion because one had diagnosed with breast cancer. One had been our neigh-
bor, and had come to our church for a time, several yrs ago with her two small
sons and husband, until pressure from family and friends caused them to dis-
But those two close friends for many years, came on a Wed. night with two
other friends. These four were all classmates and graduates with my young-
est sister who survived lymphoma and a bone marrow transplant, a few yrs ago
and has and is doing wonderful. TO GOD BE ALL the Praise and GLORY.
That Wed. night, the four, plus my sister who came also to be with them, went to
the front for prayer for their friend. She had come with such fear. She didn't leave
the same way she came, in Jesus Name!!! She received the HOLY GHOST, speaking
with tongues. Her closest friend and she, continued to come and now both are filled
with the Spirit of the living God. Both baptized in Jesus Name.
Last night at church, the one with breast cancer, gave her PET/CT results for the
second time since that first Wed. Night, NEGATIVE Completely negative. NO cancer
in her body. She came with childlike, obedient faith and her need was taken care of.
She had her PET/CT scan on Mon. The church had prayed for her on
Sunday. Her husband who visited our church many years ago with two of my
brother, has been coming with her for several months and is visibly under the
convicting power of God. Obedient faith will get the job done!
No offense intended ever!