Originally Posted by gloryseeker
I do...but not necessarily "look way older" but created mature things. Example a tree. I don't think He created the earth with a bunch of seedlings laying around, I believe that He created adult trees.
while it is very obvious that Randy is well versed and understands scientific stuff I personally don't have confidence in their techniques, nor do I have confidence in their motives. Most scientists are atheists an have an agenda they are pursuing.
I believe that God could create an adult tree -just as I believe that He created an adult human. Two of them in fact.
But neither the tree's, or the humans, would have any false "history" of age. For instance, the tree's would not have rings that indicated periods of drought, forest fires, beetle infestations, etc.... In this same way, God would not have created a planet with meteor craters from meteor's that never actually hit or geological strata that shows various things happening at different ages -things that never too place. Or a nebula from a supernova that exists without there ever having been a star to go boom.