Originally Posted by mfblume
Again this is the old argument that full preterists propose. In truth, though, it is not flesh versus spirit, but rather NATURAL versus SPIRITUAL that is the proper context. And Jesus has a SPIRITUAL BODY as much as we shall have one. That is why He is called the Lord FROM HEAVEN in regards to his body, just as we shall receive a house FROM HEAVEN.
Jesus had a body of FLESH AND BONE after His resurrection. And by changing the flesh to immortal flesh, it is explained what God does with our flesh that does not inherit the Kingdom. He changes it to spiritual flesh.
A BODY is a container. And that is the notion given in 2 Cor 5. A HOUSE. And there is no BODY that is not physical that exists in the sense BODY is used here.
See what I mean, or do you believe in a spiritual physical body, just not made of "flesh"?
So I am now identified with the full preterists? Very funny! The term "immortal flesh" is not in the text anywhere. Really stunning that one can read
FLESH AND BLOOD cannot inherit the Kingdom and still say flesh can enter the Kingdom.
After his resurrection Paul believed Yeshua Messiah became
Spirit is the root of
SPIRITUAL. Paul said we will have a
You are basing your belief on the fact that Christ said he was not spirit when he appeared to the Apostles. Since not much detail is given to us about that encounter and since Paul is VERY DETAILED in his account I see it this way.
Christ rose from the dead and became a quickening SPIRIT. Then as to fully relate to the disciples when he saw them he changed his spirit appearence back to a physical one. Note the disciples were fearful at first because they thought they saw a spirit.
Yeshua was wanting to relate to them without overly scaring them as they were already afraid at all that had transpired. In the Tanakh various times God or angels (heavenly,spiritual beings) took flesh when encountering men as in the case of Abraham. We do not assume that God was a fleshy man who ate steak and corn bread do we? No he assumed flesh for the situation. Just like Yeshua did in this one.
I mean how clear was Paul making it when he said "the last Adam was made a quickening
Why is that surprising to people who believe
16: Nevertheless when it shall turn to the Lord, the vail shall be taken away.
17: Now
the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.
2 Cor. 3:16-17