Originally Posted by Walks_in_islam
Some are old and some are new.
I wish you would learn how to post these responses correctly. Now I'm really starting to understand what Praxeas went through in answering me. I still don't have the complete hang of it. But at least I'm making it easier for them (Praxeas and friends) to respond to my posts (I think). I keep having to type up all of your responses before I can even answer.
So, to make it easier on me (before I get booted off), I'll abbreviate your questions.
..."Those who do not believe in God"...Again, which God? You have to have the right God. As scripture says: "even the demons believe in God."
..."and follow God's laws"...Which laws? the Old Testament has over 300 commandments. Jesus brought it all down to one commandment.
..."believe that they earn, make, and keep things for themselves"...You're painting with a very broad brush here. If you do your research a little you'll find that even "non-believers" have been very charitable (except liberals, who give far less than conservatives). For example, Rush Limbaugh, who probably rarely goes to church, has given alot to charity. of course, that may change since Obama wants to take away tax deductions for charitable giving. But perhaps that's only going to hurt the charities. Certainly those who are closer to being poor than the rich will feel it.
Which are you?I can never repay God for all of his blessings, or "out-give" him. So even 100% wouldn't be enough.
..."It is in the Bible and not in the Old Testament"...I think you missed my point. About 50 years ago, many Muslims dressed in modern/contemporary clothing. Suddenly, around 1970 or so, they converted back to 7th Century styles of dress.
How far back do you want to go? 100 years ago, men wore hats. About 200 years ago, we didn't have refrigerators, and had to use salt to preserve our food. Clean water was a problem as well at various points in our history (certainly for sea going vessels), and men often ate with liquor to wash down the food. If you're going to mention dress styles, we'll also have to go into other areas (sleeping in straw beds? Stones for a pillow? Travel by horse?) as well. Why just clothing? Let's keep going if you're going to be absolutely consistent 100 percent of the time.
..."I must have "squirm detection" on my PC"...You miss the entire point of Christ coming to earth and paying for our sins. We can never meet God's perfect standards. There had to be a substitute. All of the laws and commandments are proof that we can never be good enough to merit salvation. The "pork" issue (and unclean foods)? It made the Israelites merely outlive their enemies, before food could be properly cooked.
I hope I answered enough to satisfy you. But I doubt it.