Originally Posted by Jason
Glory, who said God would teach you a leeson? I specifically said, you would be blessed (IMO)-but not because of "tithing", but because of the principle of reaping and sowing sparingly or bountifully.
What bothers me about you on this subject is that you justify yourself because of what you do (tithe). You ALMOST come across as having purchased your own salvation through "obedience to the law" rather than the blood of Christ. I am pretty sure you don't believe this, but you certainly come across that way sometimes.
I understand what you are saying in this, I definitely don't believe that way, but get what you are saying. However, think about it for a moment...
1. I am confident. Now you don't know me, but by reading posts confidence can easily come across as arrogance. In fact, if you have ever been around successful people they typically are accused of being arrogant.
2. To illustrate my point I have to share the results of what I am doing. Again, it is going to sound something like your description. I get that, but to say there are blessings in this without expressing that I live in blessings is kind of a mute point.
3. There is also a class envy that operates in the arena of money. Our politicians thrive on trying to make those who have money look like they took advantage of others. In addition to that our American way is that we blame everyone else for our struggles. Therefore, when someone starts talking about being blessed all these stereotypes start getting stirred up and so we look those who have as something other than they are.
Your last point, about "biblical proof" is laughable. It does not matter which scriptures people post those who have money issues have their reasons why they don't apply. It's like asking a thief on the street about what they stole and they have all their reasons why it wasn't stealing...."ahhhhh, the bike was just sitting their I thought they didn't want it anymore..."