Moslems and Mormons Similar!
Have you noticed that the Moslem faith and the Mormon faith are very similar in their false doctrines? Isn't it funny that the devil never thinks up new lies to tell, he just dresses up an old one and it is gobbled up whole by those who don't love truth!
1- Both Joseph Smith and Mohammed claimed to be visited by an angel to receive a "New Doctrine"
2- Both received a "New Book". The quran and the book of mormon.
3- Both men were exalted as "Prophets" in the new religion, with having to believe those men are prophets being a foundation stone of that religion.
Example: Moslem mantra- There is no god but allah and mohammed is his prophet!
Mormon mantra- I believe that joseph smith was a prophet and I believe that the book of mormon is true!
4- Both are very militant and treat any outsiders as gentiles or heretics to be killed or taken advantage of!
5- Both want to rule the world and make that a part of their doctrine.
6- Both are false doctrine.
7- Both rely on force or pressure to keep their members!
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