Originally Posted by TK Burk
No you have not, and neither has anyone else from any eschatological camp.
Eld Epley resorts to saying things like this usually when he's asked to prove one of his prophecy claims with Scripture. It is during those times that he starts misrepresenting and slandering the men and their teachings that he disagrees with. This, of course, he does in hopes of getting the focus off his inability to provide his evidence. But any honest reader will not find even one statement in the entirety of the mentioned thread that qualifies as Anti-Semitic.
Even though he has done this for as many years as I have posted with him, Eld. Epley still shocks me how he can so easily make these type false accusations. I was always taught we will have to answer for such things someday....
Elder Epley sees what we are saying, and he is one step away from becoming a Preterist himself. There is NO WAY someone who has been around Pentecost as long as he has, can't see what we are talking about.
Elder Epley and the others understand more than what they will admit to, yet because of agenda, preaching engagements, and fellowship they have to bang drums, shake sabers, and blow the trumpets loud enough to make everyone believe that they are hard against this teaching. Yet, the Bible and the Holy Ghost continues to bring it to their remembrance.
If we were discussing any other topic Elder Epley would be laying down scripture chapter and verse. Yet when he gets into the subject of eschatology, Elder Epley starts quoting from Word of Flame "Sing Unto The Lord" song books?
Elder Epley can say he doesn't believe what we have been presenting all he wants, but the fact is this, for over five to six years of me going round and round with the sweet Elder, he has never brought forth a strong argument for what he believes. Everything from "Where are the Dead Now?" to the Rebuilding of the 3rd Temple in modern Jerusalem. No answers, just could bes, and maybes.
Elder Epley, the threads about Fulfilled Eschatology would of been on page 50 of this forum already, but you have kept the thread going strong. You are virtually invisible in the Eschatology forum of this web site, but you are hopping and chopping here in the main forum? I think we should take up a love offering for you doing such a great job of keeping this subject in the main view.
In Jesus name
Brother Benincasa