Read an interesting book titled " Christianity Without The Cross" by Thomas Fudge. I found it very interesting that the author cited a number of our founding Oneness fathers as believing we were "born again" after repentance. He cited the late Howard A Goss, LH Hardwick, CH Yadon, Wynn Stairs, Earl Jacques, E.S McKeen, W.P Wickens, S.L. Wise, A.D Gurley, A.W Post among the early Oneness Pentecostals which believed that salvation came by grace and was instantanious at repentance. He went around the country and overseas to gather documentation. He spoke to the families of many of our founding fathers. Looks like we may have had the
Acts 2:38 message from the beginning, but that it was interpreted, taught and preached with a different interpretation back then, at least by a number of our ministers.
Since our denomination came out of a combined diverse group of believers, it's very interesting to note that our early roots held to a sligntly different doctrine that what we hear preached in many oneness pentecostal churches today. Just found it very intersting.