Re: Do Your Kids Dress Like Bankers?
Children usually follow the example of their parents as their first teachers in the
home. If the parents have a casual, doesn't matter, attitude, this will most likely
be their children's attitude. How many of us followed the example of our grand-
parents or parents. Or did we do it our way. Our children may not show the signs
of taking a detour right now, but just wait. Many parents have taken a detour from
the path they were led on through their childhood and in the church, you can
most likely look for your children to do the same. What we reap we HAVE SOWN. If
we sow to the flesh, we will reap corruption. I don't want corruption for me, our
children or grandchildren or others. If we follow Christ and we stay close to
Him, we will be safe. So should our children and their children. I don't want
to look back and see that they didn't watch and took a different turn and
became lost on the journey. They may not recognize they are lost at first,
but when they realize it, they may start screaming "MOMMA". I may not be
there to hear them. God said He would be our Guide, even til death. BUT if
we don't follow HIM, it's not HIS fault. If I follow Christ and I am right by
Him, when they call, He will hear them. He can save them.
No offense! These are my personal thoughts.