Re: Another Baseball Season - Another Chance!!
Originally Posted by DividedThigh
yeah dreams are cool but world series trophies, those are nice, right steinway, lol, dt
Originally Posted by Neck
I look forward to the Cubs and Brewers when the Brewers play their first game at home this year.
I will be watching each game at home during that series.
I know the Cubs are better this year on paper and ther Brewers are a bit weaker.
It is about heart for the Brewers and curse for the Cubs.
So in the end we either win or the Cubs get de-clawed again in the first round of the playoffs.
As for the Cards they have Carpenter returning and Pill Poppin Pujols coming up to bat 4 times a game.
I say we walk the guy even with the bases loaded, if it is not a tie game.
I look forward to 2009...
Let's have fun following the year with each other...
May the best teams win!
May the Cards get their wings clipped and nosedive into a pre-mature destiny of swamp land, and may the Brewers play like they're drunk on their beer and throw up in the urinal!
Words: For when an emoticon just isn't enough.