Is the pastor the modern day Moses?
It is my understanding that a number of things in the OT are a foreshadow of the things to come.
We are often taught (at my church) that the pastor is considered the modern day Moses. I am not certain that I see this or understand this. In fact I have been reprimanded by some in my church for even questioning him b/c God could cause me to be struck with leprosy (like Miriam) in the OT.
In the OT I understand that God spoke to specific people and that when He addressed the people it was through that specific person / prophet.
But in the NT it is my understanding that when the veil was torn and the barrier was broken thus the normal joes could talk to and hear from God.
We no longer needed the "high preist" to speak. Would you say this is correct?
I actually have different views on this so I am wondering what others have to say about this? Would this comparison be accurate in your assessment?