Originally Posted by LadyChocolate
You know, it needs to be taught.... Goes both ways.... My mother taught me well... when I was younger I did not understand why she told me not do act certain ways or do certain things.... I was smart enough to know that Mama knows.... The older I got, the more I saw, and I realized Mama was right... She protected me and taught me well... I don't have the extra emotional baggage that some have because my mother taught me right/wrong.
Now I have 3 boys I am bringing up.... Every now and then I listen to TD Jakes messages about Fighting for the Family... In one of his messages, he tells the ladies that they are raising some woman's dream or some woman's nightmare... I sure do hope my boys become the men of a young lady's dream and not their night mare....
Oh, guess that could be #1 thing you don't know about me...
1. I have T.D. Jakes preaching cd's that I listen too...
Now that is a poweful statement! I have 3 boys as well and will take this to heart.