Pray through, how often...?
Back in the day, we were taught to lock ourselves in our prayer closets for hours, daily. 1.Anyone care to explain what 'pray through' daily means? 2.Those who don't obey the Elder, are they in danger of losing the HolyGhost? 3.And, why is it in some prominent WPF churches the members are not given to prayer, rather to incessant drama plays, music fests, outings? Liberalism in a conservative movement? What values will these youth know? Party-like atmospheres are not needed for God to draw youth. God doesn't call the world to repent by using worldly entertainments and pleasures the flesh enjoys. God commands us to conform to Christ's image and be ye not conformed to this present world, darkness. Drunken in worldly fun is not drunk in the Spirit. UltraConservative? No Way!! If you are a Liberal, you can't hide in the WPF. Why make excuses? Sooner than later, they will lose credibilty. SO, what is WPF, REALLY? any takers?